Tuesday, June 23, 2009

100 Things About Me-Part 2

51-Right or left hand? Righty
52-Do you believe in yourself? Yep- I am pretty sure I exist.
53-What kind of car do you drive? A Town and Country mini-van
54-Ever seen the Statue of Liberty? Two times.
55-What is your favorite hobby? Taking pictures.
56-What is the last book you read? Courting Trouble by Deeanne Gist
57-Did you enjoy it? Yes, I couldn’t put it down
58-What is the last movie you saw? Do kid movies count? Night at the Museum 2
59-Did you enjoy it? Actually I did- I thought it was better than the first.
60-Earrings or Bracelets? I always wear silver hoop earrings and my charm bracelet.
61- Silver or gold? Silver
62-Jeans or Skirts? Jeans
63-Do you collect anything? Dept 56 Original Snow Village
64-Have you ever failed a class? No
65-Who is the last person to text you? Jake- wanting me to pick him up from somewhere
66-Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Jake- wanting me to pick him up from somewhere =0)
67-Do you own your house: Yes
68-Do you have any pets: a golden retriever, Bella
69-Do you have any siblings: One younger sister, Kim
70-Do you own a TV?: just a few =0)
71-Do you sleep walk/talk?: I don’t think so
72-If you could visit any country, where would you go? I would love to go to Italy and Ireland!
73-Can you drive a stick shift? Yep- my first car was a manual and when I bought it I had no idea how to drive it. You learn quick when you have to =0)
74-Favorite fast food: Subway or Quizno’s
75-High heels or flip flops? Flip flops!!!
76-Manicures or pedicures? BOTH!!!
77-How many pillows do you sleep with? 3!!! I love pillows!
78- Favorite kind of ice cream: Butter Pecan
79-Do you speak any other languages? Took 4 years of Spanish in high school-but don’t remember much.
80-Who is the funniest person you know? My 3 boys- they are so funny =0)
81-Do you sleep with closet door open or closed? My door is to a big walk in closet- it is always open- it bothers me if it is closed!
82-Can you change the oil in a car? LOL
83-What radio channel do you listen to? KTIS 98.5 Christian radio
84-Do you watch soap operas? NO!!!! (Although, I hate to admit that I used to in high school and college…and ok- even when Tyler was a baby- but that was a long time ago!)
85-What is the longest you have camped in a tent? One night- I am definitely a hotel girl! =0)
86-Favorite number: 3
87-Light on or lights off: ON!!! I love lots of lights on all the time (but my husband hates this!)
88-Winter break or spring break: Spring break!!!! Have to get away from these MN winters!!!!
89- Hugs or kisses- Both!
90-Chocolate or vanilla- Definitely Chocolate
91-Ever TP’d someone’s house? A few times back in high school. =0)
92-Do you like thunderstorms? NO! I hate them!!! Scary!
93-Favorite day of the week: Friday!
94-Chaptstick, Lipstick, or Lip Gloss? All of the above!!! I have to have something on my lips at all times.
95-Favorite fruit: raspberries
96-Favorite vegetable: asparagus
97-Three things you can’t live with out: my family, coffee and my laptop =0)
98-Do you like to travel by plane? NO- I am a terrible flier- but I love to travel so I do it. (But you would not want to sit next to me- ask my husband! =0)
99-Are you missing someone? Yes- my bible study pals! We have not been able to meet for a while because of schedules and I miss them!!!
100-What gives you the most joy? My boys sense of humor- they are always making me laugh!!

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