My journey to weight loss and healthier living began just a little over a year ago, in June of 2010.
I had known that I needed to lose weight and start getting healthy for a while, but the realization hit me when I saw pictures from our cruise taken on spring break of that year. I avoided getting my picture taken that entire vacation and the pictures that I was in, I didn’t like.

(Spring Break 2010) (Spring Break 2011)
And then finally what totally motivated me and made me realize that I really did need to make a change; was looking at pictures from Tyler’s graduation last June. After seeing those photos from that big milestone event, I made the decision to start exercising and to start counting calories.
(June 2010) (May 2011)
I started out simple. I counted calories and I started exercising again.
A big help was an app on my iPhone called ‘Lose It’ to track my food and calories. This helped me to budget my calories for the day and also helped me stay on goal for each day. I also started walking and tried to make it out six times a week and I gradually built up my walking route to a 4 mile loop. Then last August, I joined a gym, which has been awesome especially in the winter months and those hot and steamy summer days. The gym has also lead me to try some new activities and push myself even farther than what I thought I could do.
As hard as it is to lose weight (and it truly is); it is equally difficult to maintain the weight loss. I have lost weight before. But this time it IS different.
With this whole weight loss journey, I have learned some new things.
The biggest thing that I have learned and that I know now in this journey is to get rid of the ‘all or nothing’ thinking that I have had. Previously, I would think I would have to eat perfect… and if I ate anything that wasn’t on my ‘diet plan’ that I may as well give up and go back to my old way of eating. I realize now that this is not a 'diet' but a lifestyle change. Now, I eat and actually crave healthy food a majority of the time, but I don’t deny myself anything either. If I really want that burger for dinner, I will have it; but then I am back to my usual healthier foods the very next meal.
I know that I have to exercise at least 6 times a week. I have to. And actually, I want to now. I usually go the gym Monday through Friday and work out for on our on the elliptical, the StairMaster, the bicycle, or the treadmill. Or some combination of the above. On the weekends, I will usually do an exercise DVD one day that emphasizes weights and I also might include a walk with the dog, a run, or a bike ride somewhere in the weekend.
I know that I have to keep mixing up my exercise routine and challenging myself. To push myself but also to stay motivated. For example, I recently purchased the book ‘The New Rules of Lifting’ for Women by Lou Shuler and am starting a weight lifting challenge through Priorfatgirl’s blog.
I know that I don’t know it all and that I don’t have all the answers. I have to keep learning… and staying motivated… and to keep challenging myself… and finding new healthy recipes… and pushing myself in the gym…. I need to keep doing!
And those pants I wore last year, for Ty's graduation....
The last picture is the best... your a skinny minny now!
Thank you, Ruby Leigh! :)It was a tough and emotional post to write and share.
WOW! You are an inspiration to me! I am in the midst of a journey to lose 120 pounds... I've lost 45ish so far, but I struggle to stay motivated. I love your comment about not letting one food choice ruin a whole day or week. That is what I used to do, but no longer allow myself to feel bad about it. I also appreciate your honesty and admitting that it is HARD to lose the weight and that it requires motivation and determination. There truly is no magic secret. Eat less, move more! In addition to looking thinner, you also look younger and happier! Congratulations and thanks for sharing! :-)
You look fantastic! Congrats on reaching your goal! I just saw my cousin at a wedding yesterday back in SD, and she lost 73 pounds over the past year. She was just plain radiant. I love it!!
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