Wednesday, May 22, 2013

memory lane :: old friends

With Prom this past weekend and Graduation approaching very quickly (maybe too quickly)  it got me thinking how thankful I am that we have lived in the same area for the past 20 years... which has enabled all three boys to form some lifelong friendships. This was something I have always felt very strongly about... I wanted my boys to stay in the same schools, to live in the same area and to live in a neighborhood full of kids. So seeing Jake at Prom with a bunch of his good friends made my heart happy.

Jake and a friend since pre-school days. They have grown up together since the "Clifford Clubhouse" preschool room, through the many years of hockey and now graduating high school.

Ribbet collage

Another good friend since preschool have gone to all the same schools since pre-school, celebrated many birthdays together, been in boy scouts, pushed each other academically... and now both heading off to Notre Dame in the fall!!!

Ribbet collage
These are memories that I know is part of who Jake is and means as much to him as it does to me!

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