Wednesday, August 22, 2012

memory lane {marching on}


We took Tyler to to the airport this past Sunday so he could leave for his big study abroad trip. After meeting up with his friend who he is traveling with; we said our good-byes and gave our hugs and watched & waited as they headed through security.

Tyler and his friend were busy chatting away all the through the security line. They made it through and with out a look back... they kept on walking. :)

This totally made me smile and think back to Tyler's first day of pre-school, when he just marched right in with no hug or no "Bye Mom."

And on Sunday, when he marched on through security, I knew he was excited and ready for his trip just like he was excited and ready for that first day of pre-school. And this fills my heart knowing that he is excited and that he has the confidence in himself that he can do this.

I did receive a sweet text from after he boarded the plane and we have received a couple of emails with updates. His first stop was Reykjavik, Iceland and it sounds like they have done and seen some great things already!

Pete and I may have both had a few tears in our eyes as we made the drive home; but we are so excited for him and this amazing opportunity he has.

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